On this page you will find all the policies you might need during your time as a Women’s Pioneer Housing resident.
Aids and Adaptations Policy
This policy sets out our aproach to requests for aids and adaptations.
Download: Aids and Adaptations Policy
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Policy
This policy sets out our definition of anti-social behaviour and how we will handle reports from our tenants.
Download: Anti-Social Behaviour Policy
Asbestos Management Policy
This policy outlines our approach to the management of asbestos within the buildings that WPH owns and manages, together with those owned by Women’s Pioneer Homes.
Download: Asbestos Management Policy
Allocations and Lettings Policy
This policy sets out the four ways we will allocate and let our properties, including local authority nominations, our public waiting list, partner agencies and internal transfers.
Download: Allocations and Lettings Policy
Assignment Policy & Procedure
This policy outlines the circumstances under which tenants may assign their tenancy to someone else.
Download: Assignment Policy & Procedure
CCTV Policy
This Policy covers Women’s Pioneer Housing’s use of closed circuit television (CCTV) systems.
Download: CCTV Policy
Communal Lounge Policy
The aim of the policy is to ensure safe use of communal lounges, communal lounges are used in the best way to benefit, tenants, staff and visitors, funds from charges received are used to benefit the tenants at the respective scheme
Download: Communal Lounge Policy
Decant Policy
Occasionally, we will need to decant residents as part of redevelopment or major works, or following an unexpected event causing the property to be temporarily uninhabitable.
This policy sets out our approach to the type of accommodation we will offer and what will happen during the decant and return process.
Download: Decant Policy
Domestic Abuse Policy
We aim to create a safe environment where victims of domestic abuse feel they can approach us. They are encouraged to talk and are listened to, thus enabling them to make informed decisions about their lives and live more independently.
Download: Domestic Abuse Policy
Estates Management Policy
The purpose of this policy is to set out our approach to the management of our communal areas and installations and to the services we provide to residents.
Download: Estates Management Policy
Electric Cycles and scooters
There is a growing use of electrically powered cycles and scooters that provides an alternative to car usage or public transport.
WPH has a responsibility to ensure the health, safety and welfare of residents visitors, contractors, or staff, visiting or working in one of our buildings. We have seen over recent months, an increasing number of fire incidents involving e-scooters particularly and this policy sets out our approach to limiting this risk within WPH properties.
Download: Electric Cycle and Scooter Policy
Electrical Safety Policy
The purpose of the policy is to ensure that WPH complies with any statutory responsibilities relating to electrical safety and takes reasonably practicable steps to ensure the safety of tenants, visitor’s, staff and contractors from electrical hazards.
Download: Electrical Safety Policy
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (Applicants & Residents)
Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) Policy sets out our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion for applicants and residents. It is a declaration of our commitment to develop an organisation that is fully inclusive, where all our residents feel at home.
Download: Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy (Applicants & Residents)
Evictions Policy
Our approach is to help tenants to sustain tenancies and to avoid eviction wherever possible.
The policy clearly sets out what steps WPH takes in different circumstances, as well as the process for how we agree evictions.
Download: Evictions Policy
Former Tenant Arrears Policy
This policy and procedure set out our approach to managing arrears left by former tenants.
Download: Former Tenant Arrears Policy
Fire Safety Policy
This policy outlines our approach to Fire safety within the buildings that WPH owns and manages, together with those owned by Women’s Pioneer Homes.
Download: Fire Safety Policy
Gas Safety Policy
The objective of this policy and the associated procedures is to set out clearly the respective responsibilities of WPH, our consultants and the gas servicing contractor to ensure that at any point in the calendar year, valid gas safety certificates exist for 100% of our properties, and that appropriate action is being taken to gain access and carry out inspections in those properties and buildings where the certificate is due to expire..
Download: Gas Safety Policy
Good Neighbour Policy
This policy aims to encourage and support all WPH residents to be good neighbours. All Women’s Pioneer residents should be able to enjoy their home and the area they live in peacefully.
Download: Good Neighbour Policy
Guest Room Policy
Women’s Pioneer provides a guestroom in each of the following sheltered housing schemes: Dain Court W8, Mary Flux Court SW5, Mary Smith Court SW5, 26/29 Stanley Gardens W11. The guest room bookable by residents for family members to stay for a small charge.
Download: Guest Room Policy
Lodgers, Subletting & Temporary Absence Policy
This policy outlines the approach to lodgers and sub-letting for general needs and sheltered housing.
In all cases, residents will need to receive written permission from WPH to be able to either lodge or partially sub-let the property.
Download: Lodgers and Subletting Policy
Management of Asbestos Policy
This policy outlines our approach to the management of asbestos within the buildings that WPH owns and manages, together with those owned by Women’s Pioneer Homes.
Download: Asbestos Management Policy
Mobility Scooter Policy
Whilst the purchase or leasing of an electric wheelchair or mobility scooter is the responsibility of the tenant, we have a responsibility to ensure that the vehicles are being used legally and with full responsibility being taken by the owner who lives in a property managed by WPH.
Download: Mobility Scooter Policy
Mutual Exchange Policy
This policy sets out our approach to Mutual Exchanges.
As a women’s housing provider, we require all tenants to exchange with another female. In the circumstance a male tenant wishes to exchange we would also require them to exchange with a female.
Download: Mutual Exchange Policy
Pets Policy & Procedure
WPH generally allows residents to own pets in their homes if they do not need access to a garden. The Pets Policy outlines how we approve pets.
Download: Pets Policy & Procedure
Rent Arrears Policy
This policy outlines what actions we will take when a tenant has rent arrears. This includes the support available as well as when and what enforcement action we will take.
Download: Rent Arrears Policy
Responsive Repairs Policy
This policy sets out the principles that WPH will adopt to provide a customer focused, efficient, high quality and cost effective responsive repairs service to all properties owned and managed by WPH.
Download: Responsive Repairs Policy
Running a Business from Home Policy
This policy outlines the approach to running a business from home for general needs and sheltered housing tenants.
Download: Running a Business from Home Policy Running a Business from Home Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Women’s Pioneer is committed to ensuring that concerns about safeguarding are reported and acted on effectively. This policy sets out how we will meet our statutory obligations
Download: Safeguarding Policy
Service Charge Policy
This service charge policy sets out Women’s Pioneer Housing’s approach to setting, reviewing and reporting service charges for its homes and covers all residents (i.e. both tenants and leaseholders).
Download: Service Charges Policy
Shared Ownership Policy
This policy outlines Women’s Pioneer Housing’s approach to selling and staircasing shared ownership properties.
Download: Shared Ownership Policy
Succession Policy
This policy outlines WPH’s approach to succession requests for general needs housing, succession is where the holder of the tenancy agreement has passed away and a spouse or family member if they occupy the property as their only or principal home at the time of the tenant’s death ‘succeeds’ to the tenancy.
Download: Succession Policy
Tenure and Starter Tenancy Policy
This policy sets out which tenancy types we will offer and in which scenario it also outlines how we manage and convert starter tenancies.
Download: Tenure and Starter Tenancy Policy
Tenancy Fraud and Other Breaches of Tenancy Policy
This policy outlines our approach to tenancy fraud and breaches of tenancy. In all cases of tenancy fraud we will take action.
Download: Tenancy Fraud and other Breaches of tenancy Policy
Tenancy Sustainment Policy
Women’s Pioneer Housing’s (WPH) is committed to work with tenants to sustain their tenancies effectively and will work in partnership with other organisations to provide additional support to those tenants who need it on order to fulfil their obligations in their tenancy agreement. This policy sets out how we do this.
Download: Tenancy Sustainment Policy
Transgender Policy
Women’s Pioneer Housing provides housing for predominantly single women. All our tenancies are women-led and we do not issue joint tenancies. However, our buildings are not single sex spaces and male partners and sons live in our homes with our tenants.
This policy sets out how we will comply with the law when offering tenancies to women, who are legally recognised as such.
Download: Transgender Policy
Unacceptable Behaviour Policy
This policy covers our approach to the very few residents whose actions or behaviour we consider unacceptable.
Download: Unacceptable Behaviour Policy
Void Management Policy
The purpose of the policy is to ensure that we effectively manage the process of bringing empty flats back into letting to minimise the loss of rental income and to provide an effective service to residents leaving the properties and those taking up the tenancy on completion of the works.
Download: Voids Management Policy
Water Hygiene Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that WPH complies with its legal duties relating to water system safety, takes reasonable steps to prevent the development and spread of Legionella in the water systems for which it is responsible.
Download: Water Hygiene Policy