Estate services
Cleaning, grounds maintenance and pest control
We are committed to keeping our homes and neighbourhoods clean and tidy.
Our Estate Services Officers work with our Housing Officers to look after shared areas inside and outside our homes.
Shared areas at our flats are usually cleaned weekly. This includes vacuuming, dusting, cleaning windows (where they can be reached safely) and, in our older women’s housing, removing rubbish.
Find out more about the level of service we provide here:
- Cleaning
Our Cleaning Specification can be found here - Pest control
Our Pest Control Policy can be found here - Grounds maintenance
Our Ground Maintenance Specification can be found here
Pest Control
As your landlord, Women’s Pioneer takes reports of pests seriously. An infestation causes distress and if not remedied can become a danger to public health. We will treat a number of pests under our Pest Control policy:
- Rats
- Mice
- Cockroaches
- Bedbugs
- Pigeons
- Wasps
This is because these pests can pose a health risk. You can report pests to us through our Customer Services Team.
If you see evidence of a pest that is not on this list, you will need to resolve the issue yourself. A useful source of advice and information is the British Pest Control Association; you can view their website at
Most of our homes are converted houses where parking is limited to the street. Please contact your local council to see if you can apply for a parking permit.
On some of our estates, you can only park in a shared area if you have a permit. If there is no parking permit system, we may introduce one if residents request it.
If you have any questions about parking, please contact our Customer Service team on 020 8749 7112 or email
We ask all our residents to dispose of rubbish responsibly. We have designated refuse and recycling areas at some of our larger estates.
If you have bulky items to dispose of – such as televisions, fridges or sofas – please contact your local council to arrange collection (there may be a charge for this). Or you may want to offer them to a charity shop or recycling service.