Women’s Pioneer Housing Annual General Meeting
We would like to thank Women’s Pioneer Housing Board members, staff and residents that attended the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 22nd June 2022.
We had the pleasure of hearing from Louise Wolfson, Board Vice-Chair and Chair of the Remuneration & Nominations Committee as she presented the key points included in our new Annual Report for 2021.
In her speech Louise highlighted the need for organisations that understand and champion women’s housing needs. In this sense, Women’s Pioneer Housing continues to be equally as relevant today as it was 102 years ago when it was founded.
Women continue to earn less than men, on average, in Britain today. Women are more likely to work part-time or in precarious jobs due to them often taking the lead in caring responsibilities.
The provision of high quality homes and services is one of the key objectives of Women’s’ Pioneer Housing. Quality includes safety and we continue to strive to ensure that all our residents are housed in homes that meet the health and safety requirements established by the Regulator.
The importance of these ongoing requirements are at the heart of what we do and how we deliver it.
Our Board Vice-Chair also reviewed Women’s Pioneer Housing achievements, challenges and exciting plans for the future as well as welcoming Tracey Downie as Chief Executive.
If you wish to learn more about Women’s Pioneer Housing work and achievements you are welcome to download and read our full Annual Report by clicking here.