Stock Condition Surveys
Women's Pioneer Housing will be carrying out a stock condition survey of your property.
We will begin conducting these surveys from March 2025. Our program of works is expected to take around 12 weeks to complete.
The following information discusses how we will carry out the stock condition survey, what it involves, and how we will work with you to ensure your safety during the survey.
What is a stock condition survey?
A Stock Condition Survey collects information about the condition of fixtures and fittings within individual properties and buildings. The survey gathers information so we can understand repair needs, health and safety issues and whether the overall condition of a property meets set standards. We may also refer to this as a “homes condition survey” as the information we gather assesses the condition of certain fixtures within your home.
Why is this important?
The survey will provide WPH with valuable data and insights to support informed decision making. The survey will help us understand the current condition of your home, identify opportunities for improvements and any potential concerns.
The survey results will provide vital knowledge of our properties helping us to deliver decent, safe and compliant homes which is a regulatory requirement. With this data, WPH will be able financially plan over the longer term to create a program of improvements which will include kitchen, bathroom, and window upgrades ensuring your homes have features and fixtures that are fit for purpose.
Who will be carrying out the surveys?
Through a thorough procurement process supported via specialist consultants, WPH has appointed a company called Ridge Partners LLP to conduct these surveys. Ridge are specialist contractors experienced in carrying out these surveys. They will work together with you and WPH ensuring all inspections are carried out with respect, minimising disruption to you.
All Ridge operatives will be dressed in uniform and will have visible ID badges to provide you with assurance of who they are. If the operative does not have an ID badge or a uniform, do not provide access, and let us know that someone has tried to access your home. Each survey is expected to take no longer than 1 hour.
What will Ridge be surveying?
The survey will be assessing the age and condition of components in your home. Components includes fixtures, fitting and appliances and surveys will include rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms. We will also look at structural and external elements of your building such as windows, rood and guttering. Ridge will look at the condition of these items to assess their age and condition to evaluate when they may need to be renewed.
Pictures will be taken of these components, and these will be uploaded onto a database to help is maintain accurate records. This database will form the basis of planned future programs to ensure these elements of you home meet certain conditions and helps us to budget for repair works to components which fall below the required standard. No pictures will be taken of any personal belonging
When will this be going ahead?
The surveys will start from 10 March 2025 and are expected to take up to 12 weeks to complete across all our homes.
We will do our best to work around you. If you are not home when the surveyor calls, they will leave a calling card asking you to make an appointment.
What support we need from you?
The success of this project will rely heavily on the data that is captured, and for this it is crucial we are granted access into your property. We will try our best to arrange appointments that are convenient and will endeavor to carry out the surveys as quickly as possible. If you are not home when the surveyor calls, they will leave you a card with their contact details inviting you to make a follow up appointment. The surveyor will attempt to visit on two further occasions.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or queries. We thank you in advance for your patience and support with this project. You can contact us by phone on 020 8749 7112 or by email