Our Performance
Tenant satisfaction
Twice a year WPH surveys 150 residents, 300 in total each year, we have carried out surveys since 2018 to understand how satisfied residents are with our service and how we can improve. The feedback from these surveys have been used to speed up our kitchen and bathroom replacement programmes, bring in tenancy visits which happen every two years and develop a window replacement programme.
The questions we ask are now a regulatory requirement. We will put up posters just before the next round of surveys, which are done on the phone.
Our results show overall 72% of our residents are satisfied with our service. This is about average nationally and above average for London. The full results can be found in the PDF below and we will shortly publish an action plan with our next steps.
Womens Pioneer TSM Report 2024
We take complaints very seriously and track what tenants are complaining about to improve our service. Below you can find our quarterly complaint reports which are scrutinised and reviewed by the Homes and Services Committee, a sub committee of the board with tenant members.