About Us
Women’s Pioneer Housing (WPH) was founded in 1920 by suffragists, who understood the importance of providing women with good quality affordable homes of their own, as part of their wider fight for women’s equality.
Today, we continue to challenge gender inequality and provide much-needed homes for women.
We own around 1,000 properties in West London. Most are studio or one-bedroom flats in large converted Victorian or Edwardian buildings, many of which are listed or in Conservation Areas.
Our Vision
For all single women across London to have access to a safe, secure and affordable home.
Our Mission
To offer single women access to safe, secure and good quality affordable homes and services that enable women to live a good quality of life. To influence other housing providers so they understand the needs of single women and offer services that meet this need.
Our Values
Put our residents 1st
Are – Open, trusted and Nurture great relationships
Value – Equality, inclusivity and Empowerment
Provide a – Respectful and Safe environment
Our strategic objectives
Our Homes
Our Services
Our Organisation

Our homes will be safe and warm in desirable neighbourhoods and built to a high standard.
Our services will be excellent, delivered professionally and designed to meet the needs of single women.
Our organisation will be financially robust, well governed with a culture that values people who are passionate about doing a great job.