
Residents play a full role in the strategic decision making of the organisation. Residents’ involvement in decision making is built into the formal governance structure of WPH. We aim to have at least two resident Board members.
A Homes and Services Committee (HASC) with residents, staff and board members has delegated authority to approve policies and procedures relevant to the delivery of quality homes and services. The residents on this group are from RESP, selected by fellow RESP members, each member serves a minimum term of three years. Meetings are held four times a year and outcomes are reported to the Board.
The Resident Engagement and Scrutiny Panel (RESP) takes the lead role in enabling effective resident scrutiny of services and performance. They meet monthly with staff from the Housing Team and Property and Estates Team, reviewing our performance and selecting topics for focus and review. RESP gather information from other residents to feedback to us, support delivery of focus groups, Resident Action Forums and design surveys.
You can see how this fits into WPH’s governance structure below.

If you are interested in knowing more about RESP or HASC please get in touch with us by emailing feedback@womenspioneer.co.uk