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  • InterviewsInterviews with Women’s Pioneer Housing tenants and staffAs part of the Women’s Pioneer Housing centenary project, we carried out interviews with a number of long-term residents and WPH’s longest-serving staff member.These recorded interviews make up a unique archive that provides us with first-hand insight into the day-to-day lives and experiences of WPH tenants and staff,…

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  • Women’s Pioneer Housing Online Art Exhibition 2020

    Women’s Pioneer Housing Online Art Exhibition 2020


    Check the fantastic artworks created by talented artists who live in WPH homes.

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  • Lead

    LeadResidents play a full role in the strategic decision making of the organisation. Residents’ involvement in decision making is built into the formal governance structure of WPH. We aim to have at least two resident Board members. A Homes and Services Committee (HASC) with residents, staff and board members has delegated authority to approve policies…

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  • Brook House Plans

    Brook House Plans

    Tenant feedback and involvement on a possible redevelopment project on Brook House. Read More…

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