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  • Homepage

    Quality homes, excellent services, strong foundations with residents at the heartAbout usPay your rent We provide you with different online methods to pay your rent.Pay your rentReport a repair Report all non-urgent repairs through our online form. Request a repairPay rentReport a repairFeedbackReport ASB Residents, we would love your feedback!We are currently in the process of updating our…

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  • HistoryWomen’s Pioneer Housing’s long and fascinating history began in 1920, when its founder Etheldred Browning gathered together a group of like-minded women who were all passionate about addressing the lack of housing for professional working women. They registered WPH as a public utility on 4th October 1920; in 1921, WPH began buying properties in West London…

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  • Black History Month

    Black History Month

    Black History Month celebrations…. Read More

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  • Black History Month

    Black History Month

    Black History Month 2002 theme is ‘Time for Change: Action not Words’

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  • Working women

    Working womenModern working women Women’s Pioneer Housing aimed to ‘cater to the housing requirements of professional and other women of moderate means who require distinctive individual homes at moderate rents’. This meant that most of our tenants in the 1920s and 1930s were working women. The 1919 Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act opened up new employment…

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  • WPH and the suffrage movement

    WPH and the suffrage movementWomen’s Pioneer Housing, Suffrage History, and Feminist Networks Women’s Pioneer Housing had close links to the suffrage movement and several feminist organisations that fought for women’s rights through the 1920s. These networks of skilled, political, and determined women were vital to WPH’s development and success. For example, Helen Archdale worked closely alongside the Pankhurst…

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  • Pioneer Press Spring 2024

    Pioneer Press Spring 2024


    Read the new Pioneer Press Spring edition 2024.

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  • Women’s Pioneer Housing Annual General Meeting

    Women’s Pioneer Housing Annual General Meeting


    We would like to thank Women’s Pioneer Housing Board members, staff and residents that attended the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 22nd June 2022.

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  • Become a shareholder

     Become a shareholder If you are interested in becoming a shareholder in Women’s Pioneer Housing you can apply in writing.For further details please download the Shareholder Policy by clicking here.

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  • Pioneer Press Winter

    Pioneer Press Winter


    Pioneer Press winter edition is here! Click to read and download the full newsletter.

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