For residents

We would love your feedback!

We are currently in the process of updating our Resident Engagement Strategy for the next four years and would like to invite you to share your insights and help us shape this Strategy.

Residents are invited to share their feedback through completion of the Resident Engagement Strategy Survey.

A paper copy of the survey has been sent out to all our residents. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code below and complete the survey on your mobile device via Survey Monkey. The survey will be open until Sunday 29 September 2024.




We want you to enjoy living in your home. Here you can find lots of useful information about our services and your tenancy, including paying your rent, reporting repairs and what to do in an emergency.

Pay your rent

Report a Repair

Report Anti-Social Behaviour

Domestic Abuse

Financial Advice

Local Services 

Home front door

Apply for a move

Five hands placed on top of each other to represent community

Get involved

Three comment bubbles in different colour
